Emotional Freedom Techinques (EFT) EFT is an advanced form of psychological acupressure. It evolved from the work of Californian psychologist Dr Roger Callaghan who applied the principles of acupuncture to psychological issues and produced Thought Field Therapy. Gary Craig then developed a simpler version in the USA and called it EFT- also often referred to as 'tapping' or 'acupuncture without needles'.
EFT is one of the new Energy Psychology Techniques and there is increasing documented evidence of the successful treatment of both emotional and physical problems with EFT.
Energy is the invisible foundation for the health of the human body. The body is composed of energy pathways and energy centres which are connected to the cells, organs, moods and thoughts. It was discovered that emotional upsets are the result of an imbalance in the body's energy system. Left uncorrected these imbalances can develop and cause physical symptoms. EFT is a simple, non-invasive method of returning the mind, body and feelings to a state of balance and harmony.
You tune into the 'issue' and then tap with your fingers on specific meridian points until you notice a significant reduction in the intensity of the feeling. The memory of the event remains the same but the emotional charge evaporates.
Simple issues may be cleared very quickly whereas more complex ones may require further exploration from a variety of perspectives combined with repeated rounds of tapping.
EFT is so simple that you once you have learned the simple basic technique you can then use it on yourself for other emotions or issues from the past or for situations in the future. It is also particularly effective with children.
What can EFT be used for?
EFT can be used on a wide range of issues ranging from the usual emotional reactions to everyday life to the far more traumatic life experiences and include the following:
To find out more about EFT or to book a session please ring Elizabeth on 01483 285142 or e-mail her at [email protected]